It’s early Monday morning in Jakarta. In our car James Blunt sings his songs, as he usually does when the boss has been using the driver the previous time (and the boss is in the back, singing along with his high voice, as if things have never changed). Although it’s early, around 6.30, the traffic starts to be jammed. I have no need to feel stressed at all. I enjoy reading the sms I received from my friends during the night, while the sun is still low at the horizon, coloring everything in a pale orange, especially the dirty/scratched windscreen of our car..

This weekend I didn’t have Internet at the expat house, got kicked off for a scheduled maintenance. No for need Internet_-lah_, I can entertain myself without the computer. A computer without Internet means something is incomplete for me.

This weekend I did a lot of things. I went to the Royal Netherlands Embassy for an informal event with the new Economic head, I did a visit to a gathering of the BLIC (Belgium Luxembourg Indonesia Club) together with a friend of mine and we closed our Friday program with a visit to Blank & Jones at Embassy. The place was packed, the ambiance was good and the music was good - but very loud..

Saturday (since I am giving this list of things anyways) I went to buy my golf set at Pasar Baru. I’ve been waiting for an address from a friend for some weeks. It took too long, so instead I did some research myself. I met up with Bebih, a girl I met 2 days earlier, in my line of business. We talked about playing golf, and she told me she lived nearby this place. It’s always good to bring someone who is more fluent in the language than me.

In the evening I met up with a girl I met in The Netherlands while she was studying in Amsterdam. Last time I met her was over three years ago, so it really had been some time since we last were in contact. Meeting her was supposed to be a surprise, but the grapevine had been doing it’s gossiping around, so she knew I was in town. Too bad I couldn’t surprise her, but oh so good to meet up with her again.

Sunday I spend a couple of hours on the driving range to play with my new toys. I brought Rudi, a guy from Belgium who was supposed to join me to buy his own gear the day before. He could now just use mine instead to practice. We had a great time, made a lot of progress, but were out of energy when we finished our 400 balls.. You might imagine how, during this night, some blisters developed on one of my hands. Next time I’d better take it a little bit more easy. In the night I had a long sleep. I needed that, the last time I had rest like that, was 2 weeks ago.

During this week I’ll be at Manga Dua for a workshop on Time Tracking/Planning. I love workshops, especially the playful ones. This is the first time I am involved in one that takes 5 days in a row.. Pff. Great thing is that I can go driving every day after work, and I have some friends that live nearby, I can have dinner with. I didn’t see some for 2 weeks, so I can tell you, my week planning does not look that bad.