I am jammed in traffic. Again. What is getting to me is the lack of patience of some of the drivers here. Okay, it’s not like everybody is swearing like I imagine it would be in a similar situation somewhere in the south of Italy, still some people have a short temper here. A short temper in a culture that is very flexible if it comes to their concept of time, is kind of strange to me. My boss loves to honk the horn, even if the traffic is stuck so badly that it will not move if everybody in the jam would sound his/her horn.

I don’t mind the traffic jam, although it can be annoying to be stuck if you have more plans for the day than being in the car. But I have to say that I sometimes can be annoyed by the impatience displayed by people that drive me… It’s of no use to push if the cars won’t move. I don’t mention it, since if I would say something about it, they (he in this case) will tell me that it actually does help (and will repeat this same statement once the traffic will start moving).

Since this week will be very busy I will write in the car, I don’t want to not write to you guys…