The Parent Trap, 1998 - ★★★★½

Watched on Wednesday May 3, 2023.

The Marriage Escape, 2020 - ★★★★½

Watched on Sunday April 23, 2023.

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, 2022 - ★★★★

I finally got around seeing this film. It got quite some slack from friends, so I didn't expect much of it. Still I enjoyed it.

Finished reading: Thomas Jefferson by R. B. Bernstein 📚— I wanted to learn more about some of the American history, as well as try a second biography. Thomas Jefferson was an interesting figure, and at times I would forget how long ago he lived. The cross connections with Europe and how this puts the early American history next to more familiar periods of the European history is great. I’ll ready more biographies and history from this age. Maybe also some more books on politics as I found it insightful to hear how Jefferson learned his way around over time. It was however quite a long book. I sometimes fear that the last part is a stretch for me to finish, although I didn’t mind this time. 4/5

Finished reading: The Left Hand Of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin 📚 —> a former manager (American) asked me some time ago if I had read this book. She was reading it at the time and had wondered if it resembled what it would be like for me to interact with Americans. I enjoyed reading/listening it with this question in mind and will read more by Le Guin. 4/5

Finished reading: The Story of My Experiments with Truth by M. Gandhi 📚— this was recommended to me a few years ago, I finally got around to listen it. This first autobiography I listened, and I kind of liked it. It was a weird time capsule with acceptance of child marriage, castes, loyalty to the Empire. It has alien ideas about what would be considered medicine, and ideas about eating meat. Still, I enjoyed the book. 3/5

Finished reading: Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell 📚 — this was a quick listen. The audio version wasn’t just the book read by the author, but contained original audio recordings when possible. The story it self was what I had expected; fine, sometimes interesting. Nothing too deep or complicated and not too long of a read. 3/5

Finished reading: The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman 📚 — This book was recommended to me in the summer of 2021. I once started reading, but didn’t get into the story. After finishing listening Norse Mythology (narrated by Neil Gaiman too) I wanted to give this another try. I loved the story, and I can recommend it. I have not had fiction on my list for quite some time, but I’ll try a bit more now. One thing I’d do different is finish the end in a single go. I now had it split over 3 moments, which I shouldn’t have done.4/5

Finished reading: The History of Magic by Chris Gosden 📚 — this was quite a long listen. I did enjoy most of it. The book spans a way longer history than I had expected. Also, I found it interesting to have it grounded in view of someone with an archeological background. It’s the first book I finished with such a take — 4/5

Finished reading: Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman 📚 — I started to read this back in the summer of ‘22 but only finished it with the audio version. The stories are a delight, and I had been unfamiliar with the post Ragnarok story. I need to check if that was a personal addition, or if it’s actually part of the old stories — 5/5

Finished reading: The Order of Time by Carlo Rovelli 📚 — this is a short book. Very accessible and with a great writing style. It covers both theory and philosophical topics around the concept of time. I might revisit this one again — 5/5

Finished reading: A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking 📚 — while interesting and mostly accessible, some parts were to theoretical for me to casually comprehend — 3/5

Finished reading: DisneyWar by James B. Stewart 📚

I never thought I would be drawn into a corporate drama like this. It’s amazing to hear this story, detailing so many movies and series I saw as a child, teenager and student. The story is colourful, and some of the names are still around in the industry.

This book was recommended to me by a colleague, and it did not disappoint.

I made it to the Benelux office, 2 years and 1 day after joining Disney Streaming. Starting 2023 I’ll be in the office a little more often.

I finished listening: The War on the West by Douglas Murray — ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ — initially I was afraid this would be to rightist for my taste, but I found it insightful and balanced📚

Something new starting 2021

I’m almost ready to do another class for Beeckestijn. Tomorrow I’ll have 8 people in my group for a deep dive in Voice technology and use cases. I’m looking forward to teaching:)

Currently reading: Early Retirement Extreme by Jacob Lund Fisker 📚

Experiment: Publieke dagelijkse Audio update

De eerste update in audio vorm hier. Wat we nu al iets langer dan een week af en aan via Cappuccino doen — een app die je in staat stelt om een social audio bulletin te maken — probeer ik het nu meer publiek te doen.

Ik denk dat ik dit een week of twee ga proberen:)

Summertime 😓