Sam Warnaars

Experiment: Publieke dagelijkse Audio update

De eerste update in audio vorm hier. Wat we nu al iets langer dan een week af en aan via Cappuccino doen — een app die je in staat stelt om een social audio bulletin te maken — probeer ik het nu meer publiek te doen. Ik denk dat ik dit een week of twee ga proberen:)

Summertime 😓

Learnings en ideeën na live streaming met Arthur

Net heb ik met Arthur de derde livestream sessie gehad. Sinds vorige week hebben we een korte checklist met items die we wilden verbeteren. Bv de checklist om er zeker van te zijn dat de audio nu wel goed door kwam, en een korte agenda met punten die we wilden behandelen. Nu een dump van dingen die …

Learnings Zoom college geven

Gisteren gaf ik via zoom een college over Voice. Dit was de eerste keer dat ik virtueel les gaf, dus tijd om wat punten van reflectie te delen zodat ik de volgende keer het nog wat beter kan doen. Allereerst: Volgens mij ging het prima. Ik vond dat ik te veel heb gezegd; waar ik in het begin bang …

Future music formats

I like how Matt Webb continues to imagine possible futures. This is all about music and standards, and how they change over time with new media forms to carry the music. It makes you wonder if this is the future of music streaming services, and how voice can me a (passive) input to determine mood, …

Besides listing speaking engagements, let’s also move this to a domain that is easier to remember:

With all the list keeping, why not keep some lists in public? I just started to make a list of all the public speaking engagements I had in the past few years. Find it under “speaking”.

Multiple floors of painted trains

I’ve been looking for the settings to setup cross posting from here to twitter, but so far with no success. Based on the info on the help page (, I’m expecting it on Account > Feeds: Edit Feeds & Cross-posting. I can only find a …

Not much has changed since I was at that stage 19 years ago.

The Incredibles, 2004

Watched on Saturday May 21, 2016.

The Good Dinosaur, 2015

Watched on Saturday April 16, 2016.

The concept of time in traffic

I am jammed in traffic. Again. What is getting to me is the lack of patience of some of the drivers here. Okay, it’s not like everybody is swearing like I imagine it would be in a similar situation somewhere in the south of Italy, still some people have a short temper here. A short temper in a …

Planning, Tracking and Estimation Awareness Workshop

This week I might not be able to upload a lot of stories. We spend a lot of time in Manga Dua, in North Jakarta. Here we have a program filled with training/workshops and so on on the above stated topics. Quite interesting I’ve to say. I will structure my project here to match with what …

All my bags are packed, it's early morn..

It’s early Monday morning in Jakarta. In our car James Blunt sings his songs, as he usually does when the boss has been using the driver the previous time (and the boss is in the back, singing along with his high voice, as if things have never changed). Although it’s early, around 6.30, …

DiningRia: Lapo

In am getting behind on schedule. There are so many things I need to write about. I think I’ll just have to skip some things to shorten the list. I’ll have to skip the nightlife report for this weekend. I heard people saw me in Red Square, Vertigo, K7, Stadium, Dragon Fly and Embassy. A crazy …

Entering the next level

I recently came across an opening at an Information Communication and Technology (ICT) company and, after giving it some thought, I find it quite appealing. Had you asked me six months ago about my ideal internship, a position within ICT wouldn’t have been at the top of my list. However, my views …