Amsterdam - Morning commute

Lynn told me the spelling of the name of this store indicates it’s owned by a family from either Singapore or Hong Kong.

I made it to the Benelux office, 2 years and 1 day after joining Disney Streaming. Starting 2023 I’ll be in the office a little more often.

Something new starting 2021

I’m almost ready to do another class for Beeckestijn. Tomorrow I’ll have 8 people in my group for a deep dive in Voice technology and use cases. I’m looking forward to teaching:)

Summertime 😓

Multiple floors of painted trains

Not much has changed since I was at that stage 19 years ago.

DiningRia: Lapo

In am getting behind on schedule. There are so many things I need to write about. I think I’ll just have to skip some things to shorten the list. I’ll have to skip the nightlife report for this weekend. I heard people saw me in Red Square, Vertigo, K7, Stadium, Dragon Fly and Embassy. A crazy …